I looked back in my journal last night and I found an entry from March 9, 2009. It was only three weeks after my marriage ended and I was left feeling very uncertain about where my life would go. I wrote about how I couldn't imagine every day life without him---no weekends hanging together, no kisses upon arriving home, no dinners together anymore...I even said "I just can't imagine a few years form now when we have no contact at all" and here I am, knowing what it's like today and not really caring about it any more.
Well, the me in March of 2009 could have never predicted what great news would enter my life in March 2012! About 6 months ago, I was on the phone with a mentor of mine, my department head at school who just retired, and she encouraged me to take some chances in my professional career and finally go back to school for my Masters degree. She said I shouldn't settle for just any old place or any old degree and that I needed to strive for the best that was out there--Harvard University. I just sort of shook my head at her like "C'mon, Harvard....you've got to be kidding me...." I explored the website and found I'd have to get my butt in gear to study for the GREs as it had been 10 years since I've graduated from college and 14 years since I did any math in high school. My friends and colleagues at school tutored me in math and I even audited some precalc and geometry classes at school--my students got a real kick about Ms. M being in the classroom with them! Nov 11, I took my GREs and came out having done pretty well!
I met with my superintendent about taking a year leave from school to go to school fulltime. He was really supportive and very enthusiastic for the daring endeavor I was about to take on.
Then, on Nov 19, my dad and I went up to Harvard for an information session for the Graduate School of Education. It became pretty clear to me that all of this was moving into action.
My application was due on January 4th. I wrote, rewrote, revised, and revised my statement of purpose a few times. Then, it was all done. All I had to do was wait.....until March 26 for the school's decision on my application.
Much to my surprise, on March 5, I received an email saying my decision was ready to view.
They picked ME!!?!? I read the decision letter over and over, trying to make sure I was reading it correctly.
I cannot believe I was accepted and that I get to study for one year at one of the world's best universities. It's all so surreal.
Here's to life taking us down a pathway that we never expected! If I had stayed married to that liar, I know for a fact this would never be happening in my life! The universe has a way of balancing the scales, doesn't it??