EW, look at the old seam between the tiles and tub.....I know, gross, huh!?!? Well, after one year of living here and seeing it get a little worse and realizing, "hey, you need to get this caulk redone....." every time I shower.

So, I read up a few helpful posts/videos from people who have done this before....
1. First, I googled and read a few DIY pages.
2. Then, I read Young House Love's caulk how-to tutorial from their former bathroom (the one they just renovated.) Here's their tutorial!
3. Then, I watched some DIY videos online (one suggested using an old gift card or credit card to edge the caulk, wiping the excess clean.....I tried this, I didn't love this tactic (maybe I didn't do it right...) I preferred wiping it with a covered finger (used the Lowe's bag I bought the caulk in!)
4. Then, I asked some girls on the Decorating Board on The Nest for experience tips.....THANKS, girls!!! They gave me some ideas.
I have NO idea if the caulk job will be a success, but from judging the way it looks so far (with the tape still on the tub), it may come out just fine for a first-time DIY caulk job!
I grabbed a few tubs of the caulk from Lowe's, they were about $4.50 each. (I also have an old health insurance card there for the credit card wipe trick which I failed to master......)

First, I learned that I should fill the tub to make it heavy and give the most expansion possible between the tiles and the tub. Then, I taped either side of where the caulk would go....

Here it is after caulking & wiping the excess with my finger covered in a plastic bag----ps, I found that holding the tube in my left hand and keeping my right hand in the plastic bag, ready to wipe, worked the best--just back & forth, apply caulk, wipe clean; apply caulk, wipe clean.

I'll keep you posted on the final result after I pull the tape in a few hours!!
PS, I can't shower in this tub/shower for 24-48 hrs.....fun stuff!
You're such a DIY home improvement rock star!! Can't wait to see the finished result!