"Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Let me tell you, I actually did not want to read this book. I thought it was too pop-culture, too cliche, and too Oprah Book Club-y (well, it was an Oprah Book Club book and I do love Oprah, I DVR her everyday, so why do I care if it's an Oprah Book Club selection?) Anyway, one of my friends who teaches English at my school reads all of the time and she reads a really diverse collection of books and she's really smart. I remember her recommending it to me shortly after I started going through my divorce proceedings....I shook it off (knowing that I thought I was tooooooo goooooood for Eat, Pray, Love! ha ha!).
Anyway, I saw the trailer for the movie which will come out on August 10 and star Julia Roberts. The trailer grabbed me and I immediately starting thinking about how many days were between now and the release of the movie. Then, I thought....hmmmmm, this book may actually be something I could sink my teeth into and if I see the movie first, I'll never read the book!
Bottom line: I bought the book and so far, I love it. I'm halfway through and have been reading a little bit every night before bed. Right now, after I finish this post, I'm torn between: read more Eat, Pray, Love or grade Economics tests?? Hmmmmmm.....
Check out the book & the movie!
I recently decided I want to read this book too. I kept seeing it everywhere and for some reason thought it was a sort of self help book. I was way wrong! I'm finishing up grad school right now so I have no time for leisure reading but as soon as I'm done I'm planning to pick this up.